Posts tagged healthy

Natural Law of Healing Movement


3. Natural Law of Healing Movement

Just as the body needs rest to recuperate and repair itself properly, it needs healing movement also.  Throughout nature the alternating of rest and movement helps to regulate the order of life.  It’s in this rhythmic way that the structure and function of the body can be rehabilitated, and/or maintained in an optimal manner.  Life depends on movement.  At the cellular level movement is needed for proper nutrition, drainage, maintenance, growth and repair.  The fluids that surround these cells must also move for this to occur properly.  The tissues and organs which pump and steer these fluids must move as well, both voluntarily and involuntarily.  Internal healing movement of the body is dependent on external movement of the body as a whole.  Without such movement (exercise) the body will be prone to weakness and degeneration.  Movement should always be proportionate to the body’s needs at any given time.  Depending on the situation too much or too little movement can impair the body’s ability to heal and repair itself correctly.


Yes rest and recovery are important to our body.  Rest allows us to do more physically, to use our minds more efficiently and to fight illnesses more effectively.  But you will never and I stress never will find a healthy person that only rests.  Exercise is an important part to keeping your body fine tuned.  Proper exercise helps to promote muscle growth, decrease fat cells, improves cardiovascular efficiency, strengthens joints and ligaments, strengthens bones, allows for easier movement.  Without exercise your body will fall apart.  The amount of things that would need healing would far out-weigh the benefits you get from resting.  Plus if all you do is rest, are you really resting?  You must get up and get out, exercise will improve your overall quality of life.  Adding consistent exercise and proper rest will help develop your optimal engine and keep you ready for life’s battles.

The Natural Laws of Healing


This information comes from a past colleague of mine Dr. Sam Mielcarski.  I found a manual that he published back in 2008, he has since created more editions, and found this part of it very interesting.  It puts a good spin on healing and recovery.  I am not saying that everything is the golden rule, but I believe that you can get some very good insight about yourself by reading it.  Over the next twelve days I will cover his “Natural Laws of Healing” and give some of my own feedback. To find out more about Dr. Mielcarski and his Revolutionary Rehab Manual please visit


Human Body

Human Body

1. Natural Law of Self-Healing (Self-Preservation)

All of the other natural laws of healing are based on this law.  This is the “Golden Law”.  Above all else, the human body will always do everything and anything it can to stay alive.  Every part of the human organism is endowed with and instinct for self-preservation, including the single cell, groups of cells that make up tissues, layers of tissues that make up organs, and collections of tissues and organs that make up the human species.  So that optimal health may be maintained and/or regained, the body has the inherent ability to repair, replenish, renew and heal itself, or at the very least, tend towards healing.  When the body’s innate healing power is utilized in a way that renders it capable of overcoming any negative or dangerous threats to its survival, self-healing will occur.  However, although the body will always attempt to protect and preserve itself, even when death is inevitable, it may not always be successful, depending on the circumstances both inside and outside the body.


This is probably the most basic life lesson we learn, but because we don’t think about it as a law or principle, we often overlook it.  This is survival of the fittest in the simplest form.  It doesn’t matter the situation that we are in we will always try to find the way out, the way to safety, the way that will prolong life.  It is not in our general nature to just give in to whatever is going on.  In the most carnal worlds of you vs me, we will do whatever we can to make sure that “me” is still standing.

Bacteria attacking a cell

Bacteria attacking a cell

Another way of looking at this is the “Fight vs Flight” paradigm.  We will instantly rationalize in our brain what we believe will be the best course of action for us to take.  This is the same thing that our bodies do on a cellular level.  We will either fight any infection or disease, or we will break down to the point where we need medical assistance.  This happens every day of our lives, continually and most of the time without our voluntary thoughts.  This is the golden law of healing.

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